10 Valuable Tips for Successful Breastfeeding
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Breastfeeding is a natural process that is beneficial for both the mother and the baby. However, it can be challenging for new mothers who are not familiar with the process. To help new mothers successfully breastfeed their babies — these 10 valuable tips for successful breastfeeding are the perfect place to start.
I remember it like it was yesterday, those first few months of life after birth.
Always worried if I was producing enough milk, struggling with sore nipples, dreading the growth spurts, and dealing with a horrible latch…and I felt completely and utterly (no pun intended) unprepared.
If that sounds like you with your new baby or simply you trying to be a little bit more prepared before welcoming your baby into the world, I got you mama.
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10 Valuable Tips for Successful Breastfeeding
1. Take a Breastfeeding Class (taught by a lactation consultant or lactation educator)
Taking a breastfeeding class can provide numerous benefits for new moms. Firstly, breastfeeding classes offer practical knowledge and skills on how to properly breastfeed. This typically entails the best way to position your baby while breastfeeding, how to perfect a good latch, and understanding the production of breast milk, at the very least.
Having this knowledge can help new mothers overcome the challenges associated with breastfeeding, such as latching issues, sore nipples, and low milk supply. Additionally, breastfeeding classes can help mothers understand the importance of establishing a good breastfeeding routine, including how often to breastfeed and how long each feeding should last. A GREAT Breastfeeding Class (like my favorite online breastfeeding class), will also cover helpful information surrounding pumping (or exclusive pumping).
Secondly, breastfeeding classes can offer both emotional support and a sense of community for new moms (or seasoned moms) about to embark on a breastfeeding journey.
A lot of classes include discussions on the emotional aspects of breastfeeding, such as bonding with the baby and dealing with the stress and anxiety that can come with breastfeeding (and tons of helpful tips to ensure you have a smooth breastfeeding experience).
Additionally, new mothers can connect with other women who are going through similar experiences, offering a sense of camaraderie and support during this challenging time.
Between the cluster feeds, late-night feedings, and trying to master the baby latch — there can be a lot of challenges happening at once. When that happens, you definitely need some close friends and solidarity to get through the struggle.
So, overall, taking a breastfeeding class can provide essential knowledge and support for new moms as they build their confidence around breastfeeding.
2. Set Realistic Expectations for Your Breastfeeding Journey
Breastfeeding is a beautiful way to ensure your baby is getting all of their nutritional needs met. In fact, there are quite a few health benefits when it comes to breastfeeding too, but the key thing new mamas need to remember is that it’s important to have realistic expectations.
Here are some tips to help you set realistic expectations:
- Don’t expect breastfeeding to come naturally for you. While breastfeeding is a natural process, it can take time and practice to get the hang of it. It’s important to have patience and give yourself lots of grace through the process.
- Know that breastfeeding can be quite painful. Something that takes many mothers by surprise is that in the early days, breastfeeding can actually hurt a little. Don’t worry, as you practice mastering your latch, and positioning, and especially if you work with an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, you’ll find the pain goes away real quick.
- It’s ok to let your partner help. A lot of moms, myself included, go into breastfeeding assuming that you MUST nurse your baby to be successful. I want you to remember that if you pump for your baby, it’s still amazing and it’s still hard work. You’re not taking any shortcuts by pumping milk and allowing your partner to feed your baby here and there. In fact, it can be a wonderful way for them to give you a little break and have their own bonding time with baby.
- Sometimes, it just won’t work. I know this isn’t what you want to be reading, but for some women, whether for medical or any other reason, breastfeeding may not work out. And I want you to know that there is NO shame in using baby formula to feed your baby if breastfeeding isn’t working out. Of course, you should seek out proper help and support if your goal is to continue breastfeeding (whether it’s nursing your baby or pumping for them), but don’t feel shame for ever needing to use infant formula, please.
3. Begin Breastfeeding Soon After Birth
Breastfeeding right after birth during the ‘golden hour’ can help your baby transition to life out of the womb, help your uterus start contracting back down to its regular size, and even increase the breastfeeding success rate.
You’ll often find too that babies will naturally do a ‘breast crawl’ where they begin looking for your nipple after birth and slowly crawl/wiggle their little bodies into position to latch and begin nursing.
In addition to breastfeeding the act of skin-to-skin after birth can help your baby regulate their temperature, breathing, and heart rate.
So unless it’s medically necessary, try not to let anyone disrupt your golden hour after birth with your newborn baby.
4. Stock Up on Essential Breastfeeding Supplies
From nursing pillows to nipple creams, there are several essential breastfeeding supplies that can help you feel more comfortable and confident while breastfeeding your baby. Here’s a simple list of a few of my favorite must-haves:
- Breastfeeding pillow
- Quality breast pump (check out my favorites here or if you’re looking for a hands-free pump, I have a breakdown here).
- Soothing nipple cream
- Colostrum collecting set (if planning to stock up on your colostrum before baby arrives)
- A supportive nursing bra
- Warm & cold packs
- Reusable or disposable nursing pads
- Milk collector set
- Ring sling (which can double as a nursing cover)
- Breast milk bags
As long as you have these essentials you’re one step closer to setting yourself up for a successful breastfeeding journey.
5. Understand How Milk Production Works
Understanding how your milk production works can give you a better sense of managing your breast milk supply.
Breast milk production is a complex process and it involves several hormones and physiological changes in the body.
Breast milk production actually begins during pregnancy, when hormones like estrogen and progesterone stimulate the growth and development of the milk ducts and glands in the breast tissue.
Once you give birth, the hormone prolactin is released in response to your baby’s suckling, which then signals your body to produce breast milk. Think of it as a supply and demand process. The more frequently your baby nurses/you pump, the more milk your body produces.
6. Build a Support System (or Join Some Lactation Support Groups)
If you’re a mom who doesn’t really have a close group of friends or feel like you’re lacking support, don’t worry.
One of the best ways moms can set themselves up for success is by having support. This could be from friends, family members, your partner, and of course expert help.
If you don’t have many mom friends, make some! It’s easier said than done, but the friendship of another mother will support you beyond just breastfeeding.
Another great source of support could be a doula! Your doula can help lighten the load during postpartum so that all you have to focus on is building that bond with your infant and recovering from birth.
7. Find Your Preferred Breastfeeding Position
There are several common breastfeeding positions out there to familiarize yourself with before your baby even arrives. This way, when you give birth, you can try to find the most comfortable and effective one for you and your baby.
Below, are a few of some common breastfeeding positions:
- Cradle Hold: The cradle hold is one of the most common breastfeeding positions. You hold your baby in your arms, with their head resting in the crook of your elbow. Your baby’s body should be facing yours, with its mouth at the level of your nipple. You can use a pillow (love this breastfeeding pillow) or rolled-up blanket to support your arm and your baby.
- Cross-Cradle Hold: The cross-cradle hold is very similar to the cradle position but with some key differences. In the cross-cradle you hold your baby in the opposite arm from the breast you’re nursing from. For example, if you’re nursing from your left breast, you’ll hold your baby in your right arm. Then you use your opposite hand to support your breast and guide your baby to your nipple. This position is nice for first-time breastfeeding moms because it allows them to have more control over the baby’s head and body.
- Football Hold: The football hold is a great option if you’ve had a C-section. In this position, you hold your baby under your arm, with their body tucked under your arm — just like a football.
8. Continue Skin to Skin Contact (After Birth & Beyond)
Feeling that fresh soft baby skin against yours beyond the first hour is truly special. Not only does skin-to-skin provide your baby and you some important benefits, but it can also help your breastfeeding journey.
Here’s how: skin-to-skin with your baby can actually help increase your oxytocin (aka “the love hormone”) which in turn helps to increase your milk volume.
So, if you’re wondering whether or not skin-to-skin is worth doing even after you give birth, the answer is yes.
9. Know How to Find a High-Quality Breastpump
Whether you’re planning to strictly nurse your baby, you never know when you might be in need of a breast pump. So, it’s a good idea to have a high-quality pump on standby if needed.
Here are a few high-quality breast pumps worth having in your corner:
- Spectra S1
- Medela Sonata
- BellaBaby Electric Pump (super budget-friendly)
- Elvie Stride (for hands-free pumping with ease)
- Willow Breast Pump (for no leak, hands-free)
Another reason a breast pump can be helpful is if you ever experience a clogged milk duct.
These are more prone to happen in those first days of life as your milk production is still being established, however, if you do get a clogged milk duct — you’ll want all the help you can get to bust the clog before it worsens.
10. Get established with an IBCLC (lactation consultant)
Many new moms will experience difficulties with breastfeeding, and it’s always important to seek help when you need it. One incredibly valuable resource out there to help moms with these challenges is a lactation consultant.
Lactation consultants are trained professionals who can provide expert support and advice on all things breastfeeding.
They can help you with issues such as latching problems, sore nipples, breastfeeding during your period, and low milk supply. They can also provide guidance on breastfeeding positions and techniques. The list truly goes on and on.
Establishing a relationship with a lactation consultant before your baby is born is a great way to start learning about the best ways to support your breastfeeding goals.
Most hospitals will have a hospital lactation consultant, all you have to do is notify your health care providers during the stay so they can arrange for the lactation consultant to help during your hospital stay.
10 Valuable Tips for Successful Breastfeeding Recap
No, breastfeeding isn’t always easy for mothers. In fact, it can be pretty darn challenging.
From perfecting your latch, learning how to use a breast pump, and dealing with breast engorgement — whatever the challenge, just know, by implementing these 10 tips for successful breastfeeding you’re setting yourself up to enjoy the journey as a breastfeeding mom with success.
For more breastfeeding support and tips, check out these amazing resources:
Which of these breastfeeding tips did you find the most helpful?